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Mama, wife, knitter, blogger, spinner, wannabe something or other. That's enough, right?

Monday, February 1, 2016

February Goals (and an oops!)

Happy February!

It occurred to me about ten days ago that I never did a mid-month update for my January Goals. There's my "OOPS" for the month. Between everyone getting sick and trying to get back into our routine, it just slipped right by me and by the time I remembered, I figured it was too late and I'd just skip it. Oh well.

Let's revisit my January Goals :)

Fibery Goals
1. Work on the following (and maybe even finish something!): Dragon's Egg SocksSnape's StockingsWinkFire SocksVanilla Latte Socks, and Swirl Hat.
2. Spin some more of the purple merino/silk rolags. Maybe get around to spinning some more of the Asshole Blue Corriedale I found (Noooooooooooooooooooooo!).
3. Partake in a fibery endeavor at least 4x/week.
4. Yarn Diet (Clubs don't count).
5. Design work.
6. Anything else that comes along.

I finished up my Fire Socks, which I sadly cannot show because I'm trying to submit them for publication and one of the (usual) caveats is that I don't show it off prior to that. But, they're done, washed, and everything. Outside of finishing those, I finished one more project (you can read about it here). I did work on my Dragon's Egg Socks, my Vanilla Latte Socks, and the Swirl Hat. Wink is hiding in my knitting bag. It's not on "time out" but I just haven't felt like dedicating the brain power I'm going to need to work on it. 

I also finished spinning the purple merino/silk, just this past Friday actually. I was originally hoping to spin half of it onto one bobbin, the other half onto another bobbin, and make a 2-ply but I didn't pay attention and when I thought to weigh how much fiber I had left to spin, I only had 1.6 oz (out of 4 oz)....oops. So, I spun the 4 oz onto one bobbin and I'll probably spin another 4 oz of something else and then make a 2-ply. Possibly a grey wool or white merino. 

I've been trying to partake in fibery endeavors...but we all got sick this month. Stormageddon came down with pneumonia at the beginning of January, then Little Man got a cold which culminated in a very painful ear infection (that led to a trip to the hospital because Urgent Care was closed), then Husband got.....something. Coughing, headache, general achy feeling, exhaustion....yeah, it wasn't fun. I had hoped that it would spare me but I've been dealing with horrendous allergies on top of a minor cold. So, while I pondered fibery things, not much actually happened. 

Let's not even talk about the yarn diet. I think my stash grew four times this month (you can read about them here, here, here, and here). One of those includes a club shipment.

In designing news, I sent in a proposal for my Fire Socks but that's about it. I'm stuck on my Ice Socks and I need another set of eyes to take a look before I get moving again.

As for other things, I started another hat, sold a Lazy Kate and some yarn, and picked up a couple new books. Exciting times. Oh, and I did some work in my yarn closet. I added a bunch of stuff to my Ravelry stash that were not listed before, took photographs, and did some reorganizing in the closet. It was needed. I'm nowhere near done but every little bit helps.

Non-Fibery Goals
1. Work on Stormageddon's room.
2. Work on Little Man's room.
3. Work on our bedroom/closet.
4. Gym and/or some other form of exercise.
5. Work on the weight loss shit (woo).
6. Keep up on the (new) bullet journal. Yes, I have a new's different from the big fat At-A-Glance I've used in years past. This one is just a grid notebook that I'm doing myself. We'll see how it goes.
7. Work on recipe journal.

With all of us getting sick this month, my non-fibery goals kind of went to hell. The boys' rooms were not touched (other than regular clean-up type stuff), our closet/bedroom wasn't touched, going to the gym was touch-and-go for awhile, which means the weight loss stuff also was touch-and-go...and the recipe journal. ::grumble stupid sick stupid no time grumble:: The new bullet journal, however, has been working out really well. It's not perfect but it's better than what I had before. I condensed an entire month into 16 pages, which is kind of a big deal when you're used to a daily 5"x8" calendar (wherein you have one page per day). I can get two days, sometimes three, onto one page. It's fabulous. It's still not perfect but it's significantly better....but there's room for some improvement. I do like the grids rather than the lines but I have plenty of lined books to use later.

And that's it for January.....let's look at February :)

Fibery Goals
1. Work on the following (and maybe even finish something!): Dragon's Egg SocksSnape's StockingsWinkVanilla Latte SocksSwirl Hat, and Nottingham for Little Man.
2. Make rolags and finish spinning up the Asshole Blue Corriedale I found in Stormageddon's room (dammit dammit dammit!).
3. Partake in a fibery endeavor at least 4x/week.
4. Yarn Diet (Clubs don't count).
5. Design work.
6. Clean out the yarn closet.
7. Rock my Stitches West classes with Marly Bird.
8. Make more stitch markers.
9. Anything else that comes along.

Non-Fibery Goals
1. Work on Stormageddon's room (toys, boxes, my stuff, etc.).
2. Work on Little Man's room (go through toys, especially).
3. Work on our bedroom/closet (go through shelves, drawers, dust, etc.).
4. Gym and/or some other form of exercise.
5. Work on the weight loss shit (woo).
6. Keep up on the (new) bullet journal.
7. Work on recipe journal.

Not a whole lot is changing for February, except for some additions in the Fibery Goals category :)

Hope you're having a fabulous day!

1 comment:

  1. I'll keep my fingers crossed for your fire socks, I'm sure it's a great design! And hey, I think January blew by most people, I'm glad you are feeling better.
